Endline Evaluation for The Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA)

12/12/2024, 1:59:49 AM

Washington, United States

Experience Level(s):
Mid Level ⋅ Senior


Workplace Type:

The Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) is a partnership of 50+ civil society organisations based in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda, the United Kingdom, Belgium and The Netherlands. The mission is to build bridges between divided communities through collaboration with faith-based actors, women’s and youth organisations, and high-level decision-makers. Established in 2021 under the Dutch MFA’s Power of Voices policy, the consortium—led by Mensen met een Missie—focuses on amplifying inclusive voices, strengthening inter-religious relations, and enhancing women and youth participation. Baseline and midline studies have shaped JISRA’s strategy, and an endline evaluation between January 2025 and March 2026 will assess its effectiveness, coherence, and sustainability.The endline evaluation aims to assess the program’s effectiveness, coherence, and sustainability in fostering peaceful and just societies where all enjoy Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) across the seven implementing countries and globally, focusing on sustainability of the project after 2025.

Requirements of the Consultant

The JISRA programme is seeking an experienced consultant or team of consultants to undertake this assignment, who have extensive experience in leading multi-country evaluations, have demonstrable knowledge of FoRB, women- and youth participation, and lobby and advocacy in the relevant policy landscape. Furthermore, applicants should be proficient in at least English and French, and have the ability to collaborate with other in-country consultants and enumerators.

Please see p. 17 for a complete overview of the required qualifications. Please see the program annexes here for full details.
Qualified parties can submit:
1. A letter of interest for the proposal
2. CVs of each proposed team member along with sample(s) of previous similar wor,
3. A detailed financial proposal with a breakdown of costs in Euros
4. A detailed technical proposal demonstrating an understanding of this ToR and the contact details for two reference checks. The technical proposal should include 1 or 2 samples of similar studies that you led.

Please see p. 18 of the program annexes here for more detailed information on the application items and proposal requirements.

Applications must be sent to info@mensenmeteenmissie.nl by January 3rd, 2025. Interviews will be held in the second half of January 2025. For any further questions or information about the assignment, please contact Annebob Westerhof annebobwesterhof@mensenmeteenmissie.nl

As job descriptions cannot be exhaustive, the position holder may be required to undertake other duties that are broadly in line with the above key responsibilities. 


Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please. Please see our website www.sfcg.org for full details of our work. All Search Employees must adhere to the values: Collaboration- Audacity - Tenacity - Empathy - Results. In accordance with these values, Search enforces compliance with the Code of Conduct and related policies on Anti Workplace Harassment, Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Conflict of Interest, and Anti-fraud. Search is committed to safeguarding the interests, rights, and well-being of children, youth, and vulnerable adults with whom it is in contact and to conducting its programs and operations in a manner that is safe for children, youth, and vulnerable adults.  Search for Common Ground does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. View our code of conduct here and our privacy policy here.

Les descriptifs de pouvant ne pouvant être exhaustifs, le titulaire du poste pourra être amené à entreprendre d'autres tâches qui correspondent globalement aux responsabilités clés ci-dessus.
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Dado que la descripción de funciones no puede ser exhaustiva, el titular del puesto puede tener que realizar otras tareas que coinciden en líneas generales con las responsabilidades clave mencionadas.
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