真实世界证据及高阶分析实习生 Real World Evidence & Analytics Intern

8/21/2024, 5:00:00 PM

Shanghai, China ⋅ Guangdong Province, China ⋅ Beijing, Beijing, China ⋅ Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China ⋅ Beijing, China ⋅ Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Experience Level(s):

Data & Analytics

1. 参与真实世界研究相关的项目(观察性研究、问卷调研、系统综述和荟萃分析)
2. 协助研究方案,统计分析计划,研究报告,以及文章的撰写
3. 支持数据分析
4. 案头研究,包括文献检索和相关信息收集

1. 国内外在读硕士或博士生,2025或2026年毕业者优先考虑
2. 流行病学、生物统计学、临床医学、公共卫生、生命科学或相关专业背景优先
3. 数据分析能力强,精通SAS、R、STATA等统计软件
4. 在真实世界证据领域有相关的研究经验优先
5. 中英文听说读写流利
6. 能够熟练使用Office软件(Excel, Power-Point, etc.)
7. 每周至少工作3天,可全职工作者优先考虑,可持续实习3个月或yi

IQVIA is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and clinical research services to the life sciences industry. We believe in pushing the boundaries of human science and data science to make the biggest impact possible – to help our customers create a healthier world. Learn more at https://jobs.iqvia.com