[Internship] Suport licitatii - vanzari flote speciale (F/M)

8/5/2024, 11:53:28 PM

Bucharest, Romania

Experience Level(s):

Growth & Marketing ⋅ Product



Job Description

Pozitia de intern face parte din Directia de Vanzari Speciale (Departamentul Vanzari catre Administratii Publice).

Descriere post:

Ce vei invata in cadrul internship-ului:

  • Cum se abordeaza licitatiile publice (cadrul legal, produse ofertate, termene de livrare etc);

  • Ce documente se folosesc in licitatiile publice, cum se intocmesc: formulare necesare, oferte tehnice si economice;

  • Cum se coordoneaza procesul participarii la o licitatie publica.

Vei interactiona cu persoane din cadrul mai multor departamente implicate: Legal, Marketing, Inginerie, precum si cu parteneri externi (carosieri, diversi furnizori).

Profil cautat:

  • Studii superioare in curs - minim anul III la facultati cu profil tehnic sau economic;

  • Limba engleza (nivel intermediar), limba franceza constituie avantaj;

  • Capacitate de organizare si pragmatism;

  • Abilitati de comunicare (verbala si scrisa);

  • Spirit de echipa;

  • Atentie la detalii, capacitate de analiza si sinteza.

Te asteptam alaturi de noi!

Toate candidaturile vor fi luate în considerare indiferent de naționalitate, gen, dizabilitate, vârstă, rasă, culoare, religie, stare de graviditate, identitate de gen sau orientare sexuală.

Job Family

Sales & Marketing

Contract Duration

6 months

Renault Group is committed to creating an inclusive working environment and the conditions for each of us to bring their passion, perform to the full and grow, whilst being themselves.  
We find strength in our diversity and we are engaged to ensure equal employment opportunities regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity, etc. If you have a disability or special need requiring layout of the workstation or work schedule, please let us know by completing this form.

In order to follow in real time the evolution of your applications and to stay in touch with us, we invite you to create a candidate account. This will take you no more than a minute and will also make it easier for you to apply in the future.

By submitting your CV or application, you authorise Renault Group to use and store information about you for the purposes of following up your application or future employment. This information will only be used by Renault Group companies as described in the Group privacy policy.